(The Man with the Blue Guitar, XXII)
La poesía es el asunto del poema;
de ella surge el poema y
a ella vuelve. Entre ambos,
entre el surgir y el volver, hay
un vacío en la realidad,
las cosas como son. O eso decimos.
¿Pero están separados? ¿Existe
un vacío para el poema, el cual adquiere
ahí su verdadero aspecto, verde de sol,
rojo de nube, tierra que siente, cielo pensante?
De todo ello toma; y tal vez da,
en la interrelación universal.
☛ Wallace Stevens. Selected Poetry (virginia.edu)
Trad. E. Gutiérrez Miranda 2023
Poetry is the subject of the poem
Poetry is the subject of the poem,
From this the poem issues and
To this returns. Between the two,
Between issue and return, there is
An absence in reality,
Things as they are. Or so we say.
But are these separate? Is it
An absence for the poem, which acquires
Its true appearances there, sun’s green,
Cloud’s red, earth feeling, sky that thinks?
From these it takes. Perhaps it gives,
In the universal intercourse.
☛ PyoZ ☚