20 de junio de 2017

Marianne Moore

Una medusa

Visible, invisible,
un hechizo fluctuante,
una ambarina amatista
lo habita; acercas
tu brazo y
se abre y
se cierra;
has intentado
y se encoge;
la idea;
—se abre, y se
cierra, y alargas
la mano—
el azul
que lo envuelve
se nubla, y
flota lejos
de ti.

Marianne Moore. A Jelly-Fish (poets.org)

Trad. E. Gutiérrez Miranda 2017


A Jelly-Fish

Visible, invisible,
A fluctuating charm,
An amber-colored amethyst
Inhabits it; your arm
Approaches, and
It opens and
It closes;
You have meant
To catch it,
And it shrivels;
You abandon
Your intent—
It opens, and it
Closes and you
Reach for it—
The blue
Surrounding it
Grows cloudy, and
It floats away
From you.

☛ PyoZ ☚